Starting Quil

Unlikely partners make for innovative business

With the success of our Kaiser Permanente My Pregnancy Pilot and other Technology Proof of Concepts, conversations started with Independence Blue Cross to see if they would be interested in utilizing any of our solutions.

Excerpt in white labeling concept

Joint working sessions were established.

I co-led some whiteboarding activities where the notion grew larger than our current offerings, and Ibx became interested in partnering on developing some of this technology even further. Then with the guidance of Comcast Ventures & supported market research from Oliver Wynnman. Quil was formed as a joint venture. Our focus at that time was how can we activate the natural supports (caregivers) for the aging population.

Excrept from our Caregiving Oppertunity Presenation

The Formation of Quil Health

As Both Independence Blue Cross and Comcast decided to fund this joint venture I was selected to join the JV as one first fulltime employees as the Senior Designer and help get our pilot product off the the ground into market.

With the guidance of a new CEO, Head of Product & User Experience, I helped establish our design team as we set out to explore, test, and grow our platform into a more robust feature set. Including aspects of Learning Management Systems, Video calling, and messaging.

Next: Designing for Integration